The White House has just released President Barack Obama’s birth certificate – the long form that indicates the president was, in fact, born in Hawaii and is a legal citizen of the United States.
White House officials returned from Hawaii with the birth certificate last night.
The birthers — the groups and micro-groups of individuals who have charged that the president is not legally in that office because they believe he was born in Kenya — have just been silenced.
Or, at least, they are quiet about the place of Obama’s birth.
True to form, rabble-rouser Sarah Palin, charged on her Twitter account that The White House released the birth certificate to cause a distraction.
“Media: admit it, Trump forced the issue. Now, don’t let the WH distract you w/the birth crt from what Bernanke says today. Stay focused, eh?”
Glenn Beck has said that President Obama has been sitting on his birth certificate all this time and was waiting to force the news coverage to shift away from Ben Bernanke’s testimony. Beck has said that the president wants to destroy the U.S. economy by forcing hyperinflationary rates.
The White House says that the media would not cover the conference about the federal budget, but jumped at the chance to cover details about President Obama’s official birth certificate. –zondra hughes