Rolling Out

Twitter afire about Trayvon Martin’s friend Rachael Jeantel’s testimony in George Zimmerman trial

rachel jeantel

Twitter was set ablaze when the friend of Trayvon Martin, Rachel Jeantel, testified in the George Zimmerman second-degree murder trial.

Named as the prosecution’s star witness, Jeantel was on the phone with Martin and was the last person to speak to Martin before the violent confrontation with Zimmerman that ended up in his shooting death.

Responses have come down very strong on both sides of the discussion about Jeantel’s appearance, testimony, disposition and speech patterns. Jeantel also came under intense criticism for posting on her social media accounts discussions and pictures about drinking, smoking weed and getting her “court nails” done (meaning getting her fingernails done for her appearance in court).

Her testimony is considered extremely important as to whether Zimmerman gets convicted or exonerated for killing Trayvon Martin

Take a look at what Twitter users have to say about Rachel Jeantel’s testimony.

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