“MORE FACTS: I have dedicated my entire life to being the best father possible, ensuring my children are loved, cared for & have been provided for everyday since they were born. QUESTIONS: How come men that fully take care of their children financially & are 100% emotionally & physically available and want to be fathers have to beg to see their children & are deprived….. & men that are dead beats, that don’t do shit for their kids are begged to be in their child’s lives & have to give nothing ?? Sometimes situations like this make n—-s wish they were DEAD BEATS…. Them n—–s got it easy !!!! No responsibility & ain’t got to drop a dime or invest anytime at all with their kids.. Just bust a nut & be gone. ANSWER: That’s Life. CALI & JUSTICE…. Your father loves you with all his heart & I hope you two had a wonderful Easter. This will be the 1st Easter since your births I wasn’t allowed to be apart of. No kids, no call, no happy Easter, no nothing…. The thanks I get for being an OUTSTANDING father their entire life !!! As my n—a @champagnepapi would say: ‘They Ain’t Got No Awards For That’ #Trophies.”