TLC’s Chilli took time out from doing drops for the group’s upcoming “I Tove the 90’s tour” to stop by the Ivy Showroom for a relationship reality check. Chilli came by to discuss relationships and why women should never settle for anything they don’t want, regardless of what society suggests. She also revealed that she has no problem approaching a man if she sees someone she is attracted to. Unlike some women who feel it’s a man’s job to approach them when out in a social scene, Chilli says she doesn’t have a problem walking up to a man and introducing herself.
For those of us that aren’t as bold as Chilli, she suggested making eye contact and smiling in order to get the guy’s confidence up so that he feels comfortable approaching. “I actually feel bad for guys; they have to deal with so much rejection and so it’s no wonder that some of them are hesitant to approach women,” Chilli says.
Another tip Chilli suggested is women not giving their number to men they have no intention of going out with. I know I’ve been guilty of this myself on numerous occasions. “If you aren’t interested you should just say no. You don’t have to be mean, you can be nice but you shouldn’t take a guy’s number or give him yours if you know you aren’t interested,” she explains. When asked what she does if a man is interested but she isn’t she says it’s quite simple: “I just say no. I’m not gonna lie and take the number and fake it because, eventually, the truth comes out. In every instance, it’s better to just be honest from the jump.”
Catch more from Chilli after the break.