What defines a great corporate citizen?
We do a lot around our community. We have a culture around giving back and service and volunteerism. We spend hundreds of thousands of hours with all of our employees doing service projects and supporting nonprofits. One of the things we’ve done is our partnership with the mayor’s office asking us to support the United Way Fund, the Chicago Community Trusts for our entire region, as well as the Illinois COVID-19 fund. We’ve given over $1.1 million. You have to speak with your talent, your time, your treasures.
Is there anything else you’d like to share.
People can download the free mobile app for ComEd if they’re in the Illinois region in our service territory. They can go to our website ComEd.com where we have access to our programs. We have a number, 1-800-334-766 that folks can call and get financial assistance.