Rolling Out

World AIDS Day 2022; get on the Healthy Love Bus

In 1989, Dazon Dixon Diallo recognized a growing need in the African American community for health care services. As HIV decimated the lives of loved ones, friends, and family, there were many who still insisted on believing that it only

Spelman alumna Kelley Jackson leaves a loving legacy

April 9, 1963- August 2, 2021On August 2, 2021, the Atlanta community gathered for the Homegoing services of Rachel Kelley Jackson.  Beloved by family and friends, “Kelley”, was always centerstage. A sought-after communication specialist and founder of Iconoclast Media Company,

Raphael Warnock is focused on Georgia

In these final days before the U.S. Senate runoff election on Jan. 5, 2021, voters across the state of Georgia are being bombarded with phone calls, mailings and knocks on their doors. As the candidates’ images flash across their television

Raphael Warnock: Ready for leadership

On Monday, Dec. 14, 2020,  in the heart of southwest Atlanta at the C.T. Martin Natatorium, early voting kicked off with a crowd. The night before, torrential rain had threatened to impede those eager to cast their ballots. However, as

Election 2020: Vote early

Across the country, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) has worked to bring a wide spectrum of organizations together thru its Unity 2020 Black Vote & Power Building National Campaign. From Washington, DC to Mississippi, from Florida to

Rolling Out