Rolling Out

Creative startup ComfiArt helps artists earn income

Dionna Collins, the founder and CEO of the Atlanta startup ComfiArt uses her company to help create alternative ways to make income in the art community. “To me art is life … everything you see around you is art. From

Bishop Al Cook is on a mission to help shape humanity

Bishop Al Cook is on a mission to help shape humanity by helping people across the globe recognize the power in the words they speak. He desires for people to understand how their spoken words shape reality and truly preaches

PopLord in the booth at the studio

PopLord shares how humble beginnings developed tough work ethic

In an exclusive interview with rolling out, PopLord shared intimate details on how he became an artist, songwriter and business mogul. Interestingly enough, it was his mother, whom he lovingly refers to as the “Queen of Grind,” who unknowingly provided

Flatiron School helping the community learn to code

Suliman Chillis, community marketing lead for Flatiron School Atlanta, is opening doors to the tech world for members of the community. Statistics have shown that women make up a small percentage of employment in the tech industry. Chillis would like

Rolling Out