Florida ‘Easter Bunny’ who rescued Black woman is a wanted fugitive (video)
One of the most bizarre videos to surface in 2019 unfolded Easter weekend in Orlando, Florida. The video shows an unidentified Black woman being viciously
One of the most bizarre videos to surface in 2019 unfolded Easter weekend in Orlando, Florida. The video shows an unidentified Black woman being viciously
A group of women at an Akron, Ohio, Speedway gas station literally tore up the joint. It all occurred after customers noticed the women stealing
A man described as a “Good Samaritan” is dead and another man is accused of his murder at a Waffle House in Gainesville, Florida. It
The senseless death of Jacquelyn Smith, 52, has shocked the city of Baltimore. The good Samaritan was stabbed in a robbery setup on Sunday, Dec.
A Baltimore woman is dead after an act of charity toward what she thought was a homeless mom and baby. Jacquelyn Smith, 52, was sitting
A simple act of kindness has resulted in a senseless murder of a serving member of the U.S. Navy. Around 2:20 a.m. Saturday near San
It’s been tough for Houstonians whose beloved city has been flooded for nearly a week. DJ GT of 979 The Box and Majic 102.1 took
A good deed on behalf of four stranded strippers has cost a Missouri man his life. Rufus Cross, 55, of Wilson City, Missouri encountered Brittany
It’s been two years since Keith Barnes, 39, of St. Paul, Minn. stopped to help college student Alicia Kaufenbery, 23, after her car flipped over
With our GPS on the fritz, we stopped to ask for directions and were warned, “Dooky Chase’s? You’re a long way from Dooky Chase’s. It’s