Rolling Out

self discovery


5 spiritual practices to apply when fasting

Fasting is a time-honored practice observed across various cultures and religions. It involves abstaining from food or other indulgence for a set period. While the


5 reasons you are willing to cheat on your wife

In any long-term relationship, it’s not uncommon for individuals to face challenges that test their commitment and fidelity. While thoughts of cheating might cross one’s

Hobbies to consider after a breakup

Navigating the stormy seas of emotions after a breakup can be an overwhelming experience, leaving us feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Yet, within

7 reasons not to cry over a mate

In the intricate tapestry of life, heartbreaks are threads woven into our personal narratives. The aftermath of a breakup often leaves us grappling with overwhelming

Interpreting the hidden messages in dreams

Dreams — those fantastical and often perplexing voyages that traverse the realm of slumber — have long held a unique fascination for humankind. From ancient

Rolling Out