Edward Theodore “Teddy” Riley was the keynote speaker for the Georgia Piedmont Technical College’s 2015 commencement ceremony, and he was presented with the Sankofa Award. Riley is an internationally known multi-platinum Grammy award-winning producer, singer, songwriter and musician. He started his speech by letting everyone know how he was at a loss for words when tapped on the shoulder by the president of the technical college, Dr Jabari Simama. “This is my first time speaking so formally to a group of scholars, as my career consists of me singing and dancing around on stage,” stated Riley, who’s worked with Bobby Brown, Usher, Lady Gaga, Robin Thicke, Snoop Dogg, and the one of the top entertainers of the world whom Teddy referred to as his personal professor — “Michael Joe Jackson.” While Riley didn’t graduate from college, he shared an animated story about what it was like to spend a day with Jackson as his “professor.”
Accompanied by a keyboard, Riley revealed seven qualities that have led to his success:
1) Instill Daily Self Discipline
“[One thing I do that disciplines me] is [I] make my bed everyday… Why? Because you have to do something everyday that will discipline you. So when you go out there into the world each day, you know you are going to get your hands dirty and your feet wet. Self discipline helps you handle this. I face a lot of decisions and meet a lot of challenges on a daily basis just like you.”
2) Hard Worker
“I am a competing hard worker. Even if I am not competing with anyone and if I am only competing with myself. I say to myself I am going to grind harder than you; I am going to be in the studio 48 hours. Sometimes I eat and sometimes I don’t think about eating because I am striving to be the best. I learn from people like Michael Jackson. Strive for nothing less than great!”
3) Relationship Builder
“Because there is no ‘I’ in ‘we,’ I like to work in teams. This is why you will never see me do a solo album. Being in the business 20 years is a long time, but that comes with being humble. My mom taught me how to be humble. She said to me that humility will take you a long way and 20 years later I am still here. I am in front of you.”
4) Risk Taker
“I am a risk taker. If you don’t take the risk you will never find out what it is or what is meant to be or here you can go. All risks are not going to be successful. But you will learn from taking the risk. As long as you learn from that risk then you are growing.”
5) Faith
“I moved to Atlanta in faith. I came to Atlanta and stayed in a hotel for 11 weeks with my children, assistants, and security …that was alot of money. But I said this is the place I am supposed to be and look at me now — I’m still here.”
6) Big Time Dreamer
“My dreams have brought me where I am today. When I have my dreams, I put them in the universe. Me having those dreams, the things I dream are the things that put my life in prospective. I kept saying from a young age…I’m going to do this and I am going to do that. I am going to be a star. Everything I said and set out to do, you all got it from my spirit, and you all made me what I am today.”
7) It’s Good to be “In Between”
“Being in between is a great place to be. It’s the great part of what you have done the two years you have been here at Georgia Technical College. If you were at the beginning you would be just starting… If you were at the end, you’re going to have to start over. Being in between is the fun part. Right now as graduates you are having a bitter sweet [moment] because you are going to be leaving your friends, leaving the president and your comfort zone. I am currently between my next mission.”