cocktail boost
Glacéau, the company that brought the world “responsible hydration” in
the form of vitaminwater, comes a new energy drink called, what else —
vitaminenergy. Choose from a selection of Tropical Citrus, Dragonfruit
and Fruit Punch to give your favorite energy drink-infused cocktails a
fruit-flavored twist. – jamana jamison
Orange Tic Tac
1 oz. Bacardi O Rum
6 oz. Tropical Citrus vitaminenergy
Pour Tropical Citrus vitaminenergy into a highball glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Add Bacardi O rum and serve.
Melon Kick
2 oz. Smirnoff Watermelon Vodka
4 oz. 7-UP Cherry Soda
2 oz. Fruit Punch vitaminenergy
Pour Cherry 7-UP into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Add
Smirnoff Watermelon Vodka, and top with Fruit Punch vitaminenergy. Stir
lightly and serve.
Jager Bomb
4 oz. Dragonfruit vitaminenergy
1-2 oz. Jagermeister Herbal Liqueur
Pour Dragonfruit vitaminenergy into a medium sized glass. Add a shot glass of Jagermeister and chug.