cheers to good health
these flavorful and low-calorie cocktails, maintaining your diet will
a piece of cake (sugar-free cake, that is). So, go ahead and indulge in
a fruity libation without testing the limits of your daily caloric
intake. – jamana jamison
2 oz. Orange Juice
Pour orange juice into a champagne
glass over two ice cubes. Fill with
chilled champagne, stir very gently
and serve.
Wine Spritzer
3 oz. Chablis
3 oz. club soda
Pour wine and club soda into a wine
glass, stir lightly and serve.
1 bottle of Yellow Tail red wine
1 cup of brandy
1 pear
1 apple
1 orange
1 lime
1 lemon
Slice all the citrus fruits into thin rounds.
Slice apple and pear into small chunks. In a
pitcher, combine the wine, brandy and
sugar, and stir till the sugar completely dissolves.
Add the fruit pieces and mix well.
Chill for at least
three hours,
overnight), to
blend the flavors.
Strain and serve
over ice.