gabriel hart- answering the call

gabriel hart- answering the call

gabriel hart- answering the call
photo by steed media service

Founder, Southern Trees Film Group

In Jack London’s epic novel, The Call of the Wild, the lead character,
Buck, begins the story as a domesticated dog that lives with a wealthy
family in California. But once Buck is kidnapped and placed amongst
vicious dogs, he’s forced to adapt and his animal instincts become a
tool for his survival. Gabriel Hart believes that Atlanta has a similar
effect on young, black entrepreneurs who migrate to the city with the
hopes of becoming successful. “Everybody who comes to Atlanta hustles
to get better,” the Memphis native says. “As soon as you touch down,
you get the rhythm of the city and you start to work. You can’t be
around all of this creativity and not be affected by it. You want to be
a part of something great.”
Hart became motivated by the city’s greatness after seeing Atlanta
music acts such as OutKast and Ludacris begin modestly and grow into
world-renowned stars. After dabbling in music production, Hart started
the Southern Film Group and eventually began filming for Evander
Holyfield and Cynthia McKinney. “I’ve learned so much from her,” Hart
says of Cynthia McKinney. “She taught me a lot and gave me the
motivation to do more work.”
Hart recently directed singer Lil’ Mo’s new music video which features
Jim Jones, and he’s working on a comedic film entitled, Babyboy Go Get
Your Hair Cut at the Last Dragon Barbershop This Friday.
“I’m convinced that anything can happen here [in Atlanta],” Harts says.
“It’s about knowing who you are and believing in yourself.” – amir shaw

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