ronnie brown – staying healthy, on the field and off

ronnie brown – staying healthy, on the field and off
ronnie brown - staying healthy, on the field and off
photo by steed media service

Miami Dolphins running back Ronnie Brown is serious about staying in shape, and he wants others to be, too. The former Auburn University standout has become affiliated with nutritional powerhouse EAS to spread awareness about healthy habits. “A lot of people tend to use supplements as an easy way to not have to work out as much,” explains Brown. “They figure that ‘I can stop working out.’ When you’re taking things like that you’ve got to actually still work out and eat the right way.”

Brown feels that people who are trying to get or stay fit need to understand that there is no universal road map for everyone to follow to a healthier lifestyle. “Certain individuals can eat things that others can’t,” he says. “We’ve got smaller guys on the team who can go in and pile their plates high; but, having a high metabolism, they can burn it off faster than other people. It depends on the individual knowing [their] body.” EAS is a brand that Brown feels gives the consumer a product that they can trust is safe and reliable. “It’s a relationship that formed my rookie year coming out of college with products that I used,” he shares. “It is a company that’s certified and all the products that you take, they’re safe and you don’t have to worry about being on any list for any banned substances.”

Brown’s advice is direct. “Cut out the fast-food stuff,” he advises. “There [are] other ways to go about it. Subway is not a bad step, but stay away from fried foods, eat more fish and chicken – grilled, of course. Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand. Continuous [physical activity] and knowing what to eat are most important.” – todd williams

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