sherri lewis – recapturing her dreams

sherri lewis - recapturing her dreams
photo by steed media service

Author, My Soul Cries Out

A little more than two decades ago, a bright physician-to-be visited
her sister at Spelman College, and fell in love with the city’s
Southern charm. What she didn’t know at the time was that this was the
city that would have everything that she needed to get her creative
juices flowing. “I love to write, sing, write music and dance,” shares
Dr. Sherri Lewis, a chronic care physician for the Georgia Department
of Corrections who is now a published author.

“This is my debut novel and my second one comes out in January,” she explained referring to My Soul Cries Out,
a Christian-themed novel about a woman who comes home and finds her
husband, who is a music minister at their church, in bed with another
man. “This is a compassionate look at homosexuality. It’s amazing the
number of people that I’ve talked with that say this has happened to so
and so, my cousin, my aunt . more than I would have ever thought.”

Lewis’ compassion is spawned by what she has found to be the church’s
varying perspectives on the subject. She offers, “Either [homosexuals]
are all going to hell or [the church] sticks their head in the sand and
just pretends the issue is not there altogether.” She was also driven
to take this novel in this direction because as she puts it, “I thought
about several friends of mine who love God with all of their hearts,
just as much as I do, who are struggling with homosexuality.” – yvette caslin

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