all the way to the bank… establishing a bank account

all the way to the bank… establishing a bank account

all the way to the bank… establishing a bank account
photo by steed media service

Having a bank account is a necessary aspect of modern life. Sadly, many Americans do not have a relationship with a bank, preferring instead to use check cashers and assorted other means to avoid perceived banking pressures. But there are a number of benefits to having a bank account. To determine how you can benefit from having a bank account, it is important to examine your needs. 

Bank accounts are often obtained because they allow you to manage your personal funds. If you are employed, it is likely that you will receive a paycheck. There are many financial institutions that will charge you a fee each time you go to cash in your paycheck. This fee is typically assessed to those individuals who do not have a bank account. While the fee may not seem like a large amount of money at the time, the fees can easily add up. By opening up a savings account or a checking account, you can avoid paying unnecessary fees. 

Carrying around large amounts of cash can be dangerous, and having a bank account often means having a safe place to store your money. With a checking account, you can deposit your money in a federally insured institution and have easy access to your cash when you need it. Having a bank account also eliminates the inconvenience of check cashing fees and may help you obtain a loan. You have a higher chance of being approved if you’re already affiliated with that particular bank.

In addition to loan approval, having a bank account can improve your chances of obtaining financing elsewhere. Before financing is granted, the lender in question will examine your ability to pay. If you have a savings account or a checking account, the balance of those accounts will be taken into consideration. The more money you have in your account, the more likely it is that you will be approved for financing.

If do not already have an account with a bank, you should at least consider opening one. You should be able to obtain free information from a number of local financial institutions. This information may provide insight into all of the ways that you can benefit from establishing a bank account. – todd williams 

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