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addicted to relief

It is natural to respond to a headache by taking aspirin. However, based upon the findings of clinical research, you may want to reconsider this option. Twenty-five percent of headaches recur because of the overuse of over-the-counter pain medication. Oftentimes people misuse pain medication to deal with simple headaches and migraines. Like a hangover, once the medication wears off, another headache will follow. The person suffering will then take more medication, thus initiating the dangerous cycle of overuse that can lead to addiction. 

“If a patient’s headaches have grown markedly worse or more frequent, the problem is almost always medication overuse,” says Dr. Stephen D. Silberstein, a professor of neurology and director of the Jefferson Headache Center at Jefferson University in Philadelphia. The International Headache Society states that over-reliance on pain medication is a major contributor to recurring headaches. They identify the signs as headaches that last 15 days or longer along with heavy use of pain medication for three or more months. Pain medications that contain caffeine, like Excedrin, are the biggest culprits in recurring headaches. Other problematic pain medications are those that contain properties such as butalbital, a barbiturate. 

“Overuse has less to do with how many pills you take to relieve a single headache than with how often you take them. If you get more than two headaches a week and take pain pills for them, you’re at risk,” says Dr. Robert Kunkel, headache specialist at the Cleveland Clinic Headache Center. 

The only way to know if your headaches are caused by dependence on pain medication is to stop taking them. Many doctors are encouraging suffers to seek alternative options for curing their headaches, such as taking a hot bath. The hot water helps to release the contracted muscles that cause the headaches in the first place, and generally lets the whole body relax. Exercise can also decrease headaches. It helps increase circulation, generating more blood and oxygen flow to the heart and brain. It is important to get more sleep and change the way that you sleep. Elevate your head when you sleep, keeping your head level with your heart. Some sufferers might not want to use these methods because it can take longer to get a reprieve from headaches compared to the almost instant relief they get from taking pain medication. However, the outcome of bettering your health by opting for natural remedies is something everyone should consider. – adrienne gadling

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