the real 411

the real 411 

the real 411
photo by steed media service

Successful people have a secret. No, they are not smarter than the rest of us. No, they are not the benefi ciaries of divine providence. Although they are hardworking, so are many other equally hardworking but less successful people. What they do possess in abundance is an overarching commitment to attaining their goals. They also have an unshakeable belief in themselves. Successful people envision themselves in the winner’s circle before most people even realize a competition has been launched. You can’t convince them that their dream is out of reach. Whether they hit the mark they are aiming for or miss it by a thousand miles, they are not deterred. They are relentless in pursuing their objectives. Successful people plot, strategize, project and plan every move. They are collaborators if that is what it takes to gain the prize. They are innovators, nimbly sidestepping obstacles, and there is always some kind of obstacle. 

What successful people know that may not be common knowledge to the rest of us is that the best laid plans can and do go awry. But that’s OK too. The planet will not tilt on its axis and the stars will not fall from the sky. Sometimes a failed plan is a better instructor than hitting a target. It is in our darkest hours, in the most diffi cult and seemingly hopeless times, that our mettle is tested. Successful people know who they are, they know their capabilities and they are convinced of their own invincibility. After all, if you don’t believe in your own power, why should anybody else? But the real secret of those who make it to the fi nish line is that they never give up. Ever. Peace.

Munson Steed, Publisher 
[email protected]

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