it takes two

it takes two
it takes two
photo by steed media service

things you shouldn’t say

There’s a common misconception that’s running rampant. It goes a little something like this. “Now that I’m in love, I can say whatever I want.” That statement may be true in theory, but you haven’t used theory since your junior year in college. (And now that I think about, you didn’t really even attend class) Instead, use a more practical approach when it comes to this particulaly delicate converstion. Whether you know it or not, there are certain things that you can not say. By dodging these three conversational land mines, you can avoid situations stickier than Jermaine Jackson’s shower cap. 

1. Flirting with other people. You may be one of those people who feels it’s OK to flirt with others. After all, flirting is perfectly harmless, right? You may only flirt with people the way Christina Milian does successfully … you get close, but never really do anything worth writing home about. Even if this is the case …. keep that to yourself. Remember discretion is the better part of valor. 

2. You have a shameful past. Let’s see, there was the time you were engaged, but you bolted on your wedding day to embark on a torrid two-month love affair with Ernest Thomas aka Raj from “What’s Happening.” Or there was the time you worked as Stevie Wonder’s personal stylist and dressed him for the “We are the World” video. (I’m still mad at you for what he had on.) Whatever shameful secrets you have from the past, at some point you it’s okay to share them. They just don’t need to be on your list of conversation starters. 

3. You compare them to an ex. Of all of the things you could possibly do to kick up dust in your relationship, why would you let your new significant other know that you’re comparing them to your ex? That’s an ultimate acts of relationship treason. It has happened to me before, and I can’t begin to explain all of the levels of rejection I felt. Now I can empathize with Gary Coleman each time he tries to get on a roller coaster — it’s like no matter what you do, you’ll never measure up. – the fly guy 

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