November 2007

it takes two

it takes two photo by steed media service things you shouldn’t say There’s a common misconception that’s running rampant. It goes a little something like

the perfect setting

the perfect setting  As the first bite of nippy fall weather strikes, more families are choosing to dine at home. Set the perfect stage for

the furiously fast

the furiously fast  Your pulse races. The speedometer rises to exhilarating but questionable levels. Your fists clench the steering wheel. You know it’s not right

the furiously fast

the furiously fast  Your pulse races. The speedometer rises to exhilarating but questionable levels. Your fists clench the steering wheel. You know it’s not right

stephen stern – political insight

photo by steed media service Candidate for 5th Judicial Sub-Circuit What’s the biggest misconception African Americans have about voting? That’s it’s not important to vote