“Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed”


Young professionals cannot survive without the proper ride and phone to match. No matter where you are on the ladder of success, rolling out has some cars and cellular technology to help you get where you’re going. – gavin philip godfrey

"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed""Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed" Personality: The young hustler. This up and coming professional is making a name for him or herself and needs the tools to get to where he or she wants to be.

Car: The Ford Fusion is the ultimate driving machine for the young hustler looking to cop an affordable car with some of the cool gizmos in today’s elite luxury vehicles. Add the Sync voice-activated music controls to go with the double wishbone front suspension, and this car has the handling and interior design to be a fine choice for your first vehicle.

Phone: Sleek, stylish, with e-mail, MP3 and AIM, the Motorola Z6m on Metro PCS is the perfect phone for the young and hip.

"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed"
"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed"
Personality: The young hustler has been promoted and has a little more disposable income in his or her pockets, so it’s time to think upgrades.

Car: With a state-of-the-art traction control system and both OnStar and XM radio features, the Chevy Malibu is perfect for the professional that likes a tough car matched with fun interior toys for the gadget-savvy young professional.

Phone: The Samsung IP-830W has GPS, voice dialing and an external display making it a Sprint staple and must-have for anyone looking to get organized in their new business role.

"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed"
"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed"
Personality: Finally, the young hustler has paid his or her dues and stands atop the company in an executive position. Now is the time to act accordingly.

Car: Standing in a league of its own, the Lexus IS is the luxury automobile for the established, successful professional. From the voice-activated navigation program to having the choice of either Sirius or XM satellite radio, this car has it all. Lest we not forget, the V6 engine and push-start ignition are standard for this particular series.

Phone: Touch screen capability and Sprint TV capability make the latest from Palm an instant classic. Attach all of the custom features that come with the legendary Treo series, and the Centro makes a case for best smart phone out, period.

"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed"
"Rides: Gavin Philip’s Goofery Unleashed"
Personality: Not quite an exec, this professional feels established and wants to embrace becoming a full-time adult.

Car: The innovative smart key system is just one of the standout features for the Toyota Avalon XLS. Throw in features that can sense the driver’s approach and unlock the doors, and another that learns your driving habits to make adjustments to transmission shift patterns, and you have the perfect smart car to match your smart phone.

Phone: Offered on both Alltel and Sprint, the HTC PPC 6800 has a long name and a long list of features marked by Windows Mobile 6 Professional, making it the first smart phone to have it.

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