Graceful and impressively humble, the talented Jeannette Bayardelle wows audiences on a nightly basis with her otherworldly talent. Starring as Celie in the Broadway production of The Color Purple, Bayardelle’s name continues to pop-up on the radar of Hollywood prognosticators that are set on unearthing entertainment’s next big thing. Bayardelle may very well be it.
The buzz around this gifted entertainer continues to build, but you’d never guess it just by having a casual conversation with the unassuming Bayardelle. Instead of focusing her attention on the accolades, she seems more intent to deflect all of the credit to a higher authority. “I thank God for the opportunities that He has created for me, as well as the doors that have been opened for me to do what I love,” she shares. “All I can do is continue to work hard, and be thankful for the blessings.”
The blessings that Bayardelle speaks of include not only starring in a landmark production, but also the chance to share her true love with the masses — singing. The accomplished vocalist embraces her time on stage, as it provides her with additional opportunities to do what she loves. “Singing has always been my first love,” she admits. “And to be given the opportunity to sing and act together is amazing. It makes every night so enjoyable because I’m able to share my love for the arts with others.” –dewayne rogers