Chair of the Dept. of Leadership and Human Capital Management, New York University
Major strides have been taken to bring greater diversity to the workplace, but equal opportunity for women in corporate America is still a struggle. As chair of the department of leadership and human capital management for New York University, Dr. Dennis J. Garritan applies his more than 20 years of experience in human resources to find ways to increase the number of women moving up the corporate ladder.
“The first thing that women need to know is … that they have power and it’s the power of the purse. [In] my experience working on Wall Street, I’ve found that if you grab the wallet of the business leader, their mind and their heart usually follows. If [women] want to change the way that they are treated by corporations, change their numbers on the boards of directors and the executive management, their first and most formidable power is that of consumer and … everybody recognizes it,” explains Garritan.
The Internet also provides a wealth of opportunity for women to engage in social networking to develop business skills and business strategies.
“Women do different things with their money than men do, and after they take care of their immediate family and their extended family, they leave formidable sums of money philanthropically to educational institutions, to cultural institutions and to charitable institutions. In essence, they make my world a better place,” says Garritan.