Even as Sen. John McCain incredibly tries to regurgitate the blame for the economic rescue package all over Sen. Barack Obama’s tailored suit, support abounds for the Democratic presidential candidate. A cavalcade of celebrities, dignitaries and legislators traipsed along the red carpet on the final evening of the Congressional Black Caucus 38th Annual Legislative Conference, which climaxed with a rousing call-to-arms speech from the Illinois junior senator. –terry shropshire
Congressman Al Green, D-Texas: “Well, I’m a big fan of Obama, so he won before he even started in my book. I think this is a year of a supernatural thing to happen. I’ve been waiting a long time for this and I’m looking forward to November. I will vote early.”
Judge Craig Strong, Detroit: “I think that Barack Obama did a great job at the debate, and I think he will be our next president.”
Alexis Herman, former Secretary of Labor (Clinton Administration): “Barack Obama was terrific. He did exactly what he had to do. He not only met expectations, he exceeded expectations. His command of foreign policy I think was better than John McCain last night. This really is the most important election of our lifetime.”
Dr. Charles Franklin (Alexis Herman’s husband): “I think that Barack Obama did an outstanding job. And it seems that if anyone didn’t understand, it was John McCain.”
Dr. Julianne Malveaux, prolific author, syndicated columnist and president of Bennett College for Women: “I think he did a great job, the contrast [between the two candidates] was clear, and he has superior knowledge of the issues…The [CBC convention] was a wonderful event. And what we were really able to do was engage and invigorate our people around this election.”
Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., who spoke before the debates: “I hope that Barack Obama will stand there and tell the American people clearly how he’s going to help build a new America.”
Tom Joyner, syndicated radio personality (accompanied by wife Donna Richardson Joyner): “I’m glad they are doing something about Wall Street and looking out for Main Street. I just hope that they take care of King Boulevard, too.”
Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, professor at Georgetown University (accompanied by wife, Rev. Marcia Louise Dyson: “You [Sen. McCain] are trying to insinuate that Obama is incompetent, while he’s killing you rhetorically, assaulting you lyrically, giving you insight, dropping a lesson on you and still being kind at the same time. I call it the confidence of a man who looks like he’s the President of the United States of America.”
Congressman John Lewis, D-Georgia: “This is the 45th anniversary since Dr. King made his historic speech [‘I Have a Dream’ during the March on Washington]. I was one of the speakers, the youngest speaker. And out of the 10 speakers, I’m the only one still around. And this is the 40th year since [MLK’s] assassination. And it is fate and history, or call it what you may. But we are going to elect the first African American President this year. It is going to happen.”