photo by steed media service
President, Beaman Incorporated
the country’s current financial crisis, Robin Beaman somehow
finds a way to keep a smile on her face. As the president of Beaman
Incorporated, the Howard University graduate has spent 12 years running
one of the top media and public relations consulting firms in the
For Beaman, whose satisfied customers have included Coca-Cola and BP
Amoco, the road to success involved overcoming the lows that many small
business owners experience when they are starting out. “I know it
is a difficult economy, but I think as an entrepreneur your mind is
everything,” Beaman says. “You have to know that
you’re going to be successful, that you’re going to get the
While she manages finances and creates business proposals for corporate
and nonprofit clients, Beaman says her focus has always been the
overall advancement of her people. “I feel like my goal is to
build wealth in my community, create jobs and also help my family
— those kinds of things have been important to me,” she
And now that Beaman has provided Chicago residents with jobs and
improved the quality of life for her own family, she continues to
follow the same winning formula that has supported her since the
company’s inception in 1996.
“You can’t focus on a negative circumstance — you
just to have faith and not … doubt and just claim your success
… I’ve done that for 12 years and it’s worked for
me,” she says. “I’m not saying that I haven’t
had hard times, but I haven’t allowed those hard times to define
who I was.–gavin philip godfrey