In my short time on this Earth, I have to come to
accept that ignorance is bliss for many. I have revisited
this as of late with the current elections and the
economic consternation that threatens the people
who inhabit this dear planet. In particular, as of late
I have been reminded of the prophetic statement of
Mayer Rothschild, “Give me control over a nation’s
currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”Like a wise mathematician, Rothschild fi gured
out that by using currency (or depository loan accounts),
he could get folks to give up real wealth
(land, for example) in exchange for the promise of
greater wealth. He even gave governments these
promissory notes for real collateral and then restricted
credit, so he could take other folks’ collateral.

We have only seen the start of this tumultuous
period in America. I have postulated before that all
great empires will one day dissolve, as did Rome.
I don’t know if America is declining, but I speculate
that if we don’t come out of this period with our
heads turned to the front, it will be. The U.S. government
has privatized profi ts and socialized losses.
I would have opted for straight free enterprise and
let businesses fail. But not this government, they
would rather pick and choose the companies that
should survive – without any logic or rationale. The
bailout won’t do anything for profi t to earning ratios.
And as an investor, if you have short-term paper at
the bank, watch your loot – cause if it goes bust,
the government can on a whim, pick and choose
whether they will freeze bonds, or even worse, all
associated interest income.

The truth is, unlike other places where folks actually
save a portion of their money, 80 to 85 percent
of Americans are broke. Not to mention, we haven’t
even felt the impact of the recession yet. I think it
will be a good 10 years or more before we have a
good economy again. No, this isn’t a depression,
there hasn’t been a 10 percent decline in gross domestic
product (GDP), but it is a severe recession;
protectionism is on the rise and to play it safe, most
countries are reducing imports. I will not even mention
that the Euro has had its biggest gain against
the dollar ever – that’s another story.

Are we going to be proactive and make certain
that liberty and justice is for all – or just the wealthy
and political class? Are we going to educate ourselves
and pay attention, or attend to whether or not
we like Beyoncé’s new song? The writing is on the
wall as well as in history books.
torrance stephens
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