tips for training your dog
Thinking about getting a dog? Or maybe you already have one and are tired of chasing him or her around the house, hoping desperately for the miracle of obedience. Don’t fret. Martin Pelletier, James Salva and his son, Frank Salva, owners of US K-9 have you covered. They’ve been training and breeding dogs for years, and have some great advice to ensure you’re getting the best from your pet. 1. If you’re trying to housebreak your pet, put the animal (and yourself) on a schedule. “Nine times out of 10 you have to put them on a food, water and bathroom schedule,” explains Pelletier. “Believe it or not, [in] raising a dog [or] raising a child you can use a lot of the same basics and consistency to come out with the end results [you want].” 2. Realize all dogs are not made the same. James Salva says that it’s important to treat your dog as an individual, with its own aptitude and personality. “All dogs are different, there’s no one method that you can apply to all dogs,” he says. 3. Recognize that training is twofold – first you train the dog, then you train yourself. “Whenever you talk about obedience, everyone thinks it [means] heel, sit, stay, down or come,” says James Salva. “Those are only words to an animal. What you want to do is develop a willingness in that dog to do what [you] want him to do. By taking people through [our] course, we’re able to communicate about animal science and how to communicate with that dog.” –s.h. |