FIFA Soccer 09

FIFA Soccer 09

FIFA Soccer 09

Publisher:EA Sports

Genre: Sports Sim

Platform:PS3/Xbox 360

Most video soccer fans are familiar with the FIFA Soccer franchise.
An update of FIFA Soccer 08, its new sports simulator presents a
similar, yet progressive development.

Among the similarities in
FIFA 09, players will notice that the overall interface and graphics
haven’t changed much. In fact, to truly experience the majority of the
changes, it’s best to take a veritable look “under the hood.”

Here, the biggest improvement affects the action on the field, which is
smoother and more realistic. Ball physics and player animations have
been updated and players can even control celebrations after scoring a

On the management side, players can now apply offensive
and defensive strategies to specific teams. Finally, the player AI is
simply stronger. This is evident when trying to do something as simple
as passing the ball from one player to another. Bottom line: better,
more responsive controls, player animations and AI add up to a rich,
immersive soccer game. –dark abyss

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