method to the madness: a look at hiv prevention

AIDS special

Everyone wants to know how to stop a killer. We watch television crime dramas intently for that very reason. But we are neglecting to stamp out the killer STD – HIV/AIDS. As our community routinely suffers the effects of this killer disease, learning to prevent AIDS becomes paramount to our health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 47 percent of all U.S. AIDS patients are African Americans. Adhering to STD prevention practices will make a difference in your personal health and the health of black America. We have survived larger obstacles than AIDS – and we shall overcome. –delgie jones II

Prevention Method The Skinny
Abstinence The most effective prevention method. Sexual intercourse is the most frequent form of HIV/AIDS infection.
Condoms: Male and Female
Abstinence may be too difficult for many  of us, but condoms for men and women, are simple. They are great tools for prevention, so use them.
No Drug Use/Don’t Share Needles We know that AIDS can also be transmitted by intravenous drug use. Restricting the use of personal needles can help keep AIDS at bay, but abstaining from drug use altogether is the best solution.

method to the madness: a look at hiv prevention Male Condommethod to the madness: a look at hiv prevention

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