Rolling Out The Best of Life
Washington, D.C. is more welcoming for African Americans and more monumental than ever. It’s everything you’ve heard about and more.

D.C. will mark the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln’s 200th birthday with a major celebration on April 30. Living the Legacy: Lincoln in D.C. is the culmination of more than 80 special events and programs.
For hoecakes and martinis, stop at the Art and Soul restaurant in the newly opened Liaison Capitol Hill boutique hotel, which is just steps from Union Station and the Capitol. The restaurant’s proprietor and chef, Art Smith, (formerly Oprah’s chef) offers uniquely comforting down-home entrees.
The Donovan House Hotel is noted for its elegant rooms which are furnished with leather wraparound beds and cocoon spiral showers. Even African Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu has visited this exceptional facility.

Amtrak is a relaxing method of travel to the nation’s capitol and one-way fares are as low as $72 from New York to Washington.

Stan’s Restaurant and Lounge on Vermont Ave. NW, is situated near the seat of power and known for its potent drinks.