Saving Our Daughters Book signing Uplift Children, featuring T.I., Keshia Knight Pulliam, Rockmond Dunbar, Roger Bobb
Photos by Steed Media Service |
ATLANTA – Hip Hop icon T.I. led an all-star cast for the “Saving Our Daughters” book signing at the Barnes & Nobles at Camp Creek that works to provide hope to young girls from child abuse and a plethora of societal ills that could inoculate them with negativity. “Saving Our Daughters” book signing also featured Rockmond Dunbar, Keshia Knight Pulliam, super-producer Sean Garrett, rapper Bone Crusher, Tyler Perry Studios’ producer Roger Bobb, Lisa Lu Hartwell of the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and Denise Vasi of “All My Children”.
“Saving Our Daughters” book was written by Curtis Benjamin and Dr. Karen Watts as a way to detour young black girls away from self-hate, low self esteem and the myriad temptations that beckon vulnerable young women from the streets. Below, T.I. and the other stars state why the book signing event was of the upmost importance to attend:
T.I. : “I just want to tell you young ladies thank you for being on the path to positivity. Always respect yourself. Always know your worth. Never let anybody devalue you in any way. The sky is the limit. You never let anyone tell you what you can’t do, cause they a lie. I wish you all the absolute best in the future. And I know you will reach your potential and take advantage that you got here in the world for you”.
Roger Bobb: “It was good that everyone participated in the book. We had a great crowd out here. I’m just happy to be a part of it. and I brought my daughter with me so she could be an example to people of what we talked about in the book. It’s just a good time to be here. it’s just good to be here.”
Sean Garrett: “It’s always important for me to support the kids. The kids is me. I am the kids. And if we don’t support the kids and encourage them and kept them focused, then we can’t complain about their actions. There’s a lot going on that we are not proud of.”
Denise Vasi, actress, plays Randi Morgan on “All My Children”: “I flew down just for this event. I came from a single parent home, so this means a lot to me. A lot of young girls came with their mothers with their fathers. And it shows a community coming together to support a great cause. And it’s very important that daughters have a relationship with their mothers, sisters, fathers.”
Rockman Dunbar: “I really think that we have to preserve women. We have to preserve our young girls. And we have to help to give folks what they need to have healthy relationships, not only with themselves but with men like myself. Who are not in position to put themselves be a predator of some sort, and thney need to know that there are men ouit there who love them and know that they are children of God. And I’m here to be an example and to be an example to be a good steward for God.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam: “I think it’s so important that people even acknowledge the importance of a father’s life and a father’s role in a daughter’s life. I think so often men leave it to the women to raise the daughters. But it’s so imperative for them to have a presence to show their daughters how they are supposed to be loved, to give them that support and that self esteem and bring awareness to that.”
Rashon Ali, radio personality, 107.9 FM Atlanta: “I think that save our daughters is an excellent idea to create a book like this from a man’s perspective. I mean, that’s incredible. We as African American women, we are the most stressed group of people in America because we do so much. We have the babies, we take care of the babies. We support the families and I think that people lose sight of all we do. But I think I think it starts with the beginning stages from when our daughters are introduced to this world. That we have to show them what their worth is and show them how important they are and it begins in the home – or that village. And we need to make sure that our village is complete. We need to reestablish the village so that there will be no need to save our daughters.”
Lil Chuckie: “It’s really important to read because a lot of people do not want to read. But a lot of people is an outlet to a lot o situation and a book will tell you the truth about a lot about what’s going on.”
With the kind of celebrity and community support as was exemplified at the Barnes & Nobles for young daughters, a lot more young, impressionable, vulnerable women will be able to manifest their true destinies.– terry shropshire