Innovation has always been a mainstay of Pepper and Pearls’ CEO Talaya Waller’s drive toward success. Having established a mobile fitness boutique which currently offers pole aerobics, belly dancing, chair dancing, yoga, hip-hop, diva training, and self-defense classes,Waller is successfully running an operation which is shining a more favorable light on health and wellness. For the budding entrepreneur, the creation of Pepper and Pearls was born out of a desire to maintain her own physique.
“What first made me interested in this concept was that I was always searching for another method of working out,” Waller shares. “I hated working out because the routines can be so monotonous, but I did want to be healthy. So I said to myself that there had to be a way to take the ‘work’ out of workout, and turn it into an experience. And that’s what I did.”
Waller would soon discover that she wasn’t alone and many other women were dealing with similar mental setbacks. Not only were they disinterested in the gym, but they also wanted to get fit in a private setting. Hence, her mobile fitness approach.
“I thought it was important to make this company mobile for two reasons,” she explains. “Not only is it a sensible business move to have low overhead, but I also wanted to provide an environment where people could work out and feel comfortable. What better place to do that than in your own home among friends?” –djr