When was the last time an unprecedented amount of buzz surrounded a girl group sans publicity stunts or televised competition? Can’t remember? Well, RichGirl, the group founded by producer Rich Harrison (Amerie) is trying to change that. Currently signed to Jive, the girls — Audra, Se7en, Lyndriette and Brave — are proving with their dance single “He Ain’t With Me Now (Tho),” that powerhouse girl cliques are capable of succeeding without the cameras. Ro spoke with Audra about touring, fashion and what guys have to do to get a chance with a RichGirl. –nadine graham
Girl groups rarely last, how will RichGirl stay together?
We keep God first, we pray together everyday that we keep our heads on straight and stay friends. That’s one thing … we’re friends. If there’s ever a problem, big or small, we have no problem calling a group meeting. We talk and that’s the biggest thing.
You’re opening for Beyonce on the “I Am” tour, what’ve you learned from her?
We watch her every night and just take notes. We try to pick up little things about her stage presence. We look up to her and are more than thankful, we just feel blessed to be in that situation.
What’s the most effective way for a guy to approach you?
First off, we’re all single. Come correct. Keep the corniness out of the way, just come naturally. Don’t talk about how much you make and what you can do for us. I know we say we’re “RichGirls,” but it doesn’t have anything to do with finances or material things.
On a regular day, what would you pull out of the closet and throw on to feel comfortable?
I’ll probably have on a long, flowy summer dress with gladiators. Brave will have on stilettos. She’s our fashionista. Lynn will be in Air Forces, a tank top and jeans. Se7en’ll be in something short, tight and sexy — shorts, tank top and heels. And lots of accessories for all of us, like fifteen bracelets per arm. We can’t help it. [laughs]