It looks like Roland Burris might be headed to Washington after all. Feeling the pressure from President-elect Barack Obama, the U.S. Senate’s Democratic majority is now set to lay out a plan for Burris to take the open Illinois seat, making him the only African-American in the Senate.
It was reported that this political fracas has taken attention away from more pertinent issues and left a bad reflection on the Democratic Party. According to a source in the Obama camp, during a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Obama stated, “If Burris had legal standing – and it appears he has – he should be seated as quickly as possible.”
Burris was appointed to Obama’s open seat by Governor Rod Blagojevich. Blagojevich was arrested on Tuesday, December 9, on charges of corruption that he plotted to receive financial gain by selling the Senate seat. Now, since a committee has been formed to review Blagojevich’s possible impeachment, it seemed any recommendation coming from the governor would come in vain.
Reid along with Illinois Senator Dick Durbin conceived a plan that includes adding pressure to Illinois Supreme Court to rule in favor of Secretary of State Jesse White certifying Blagojevich’s appointment of Burris. Also, Burris is set to meet with the Illinois House Panel to answer questions about how garnered this appointment from the disgraced and possibly soon to be impeached Governor.
Pending Burris’ ability to meet these requirements, his appointment will be handed over to the Senate Rules Committee, who will more than likely uphold the former attorney general’s appointment. –gavin philip godfrey