Will Jada Pinkett Smith’s New Show, HawthoRNe, Help or Hurt Her Career?

jada pinkettThe ads have run nonstop to promote the arrival of TNT’s latest big talent acquisition, Jada Pinkett Smith. Now if you’ve seen any of the commercials promoting Pinkett Smith’s nurse drama “HawthoRNe,” then you probably noticed that most of the spots culminate with the camera focusing in on Pinkett Smith’s determined eyes, and then followed by TNT’s now famous catchphrase “TNT: We Know Drama.” With an ad campaign like that, it would appear that life is grand for all parties involved, right?

Not so fast.

As the show gears up for its June 16 premiere, there has to at least be a small faction in the Pinkett Smith clan slightly apprehensive about her returning to television. Traditionally, when a star made his or her mark on the big screen, the idea of returning to television was just well … unheard of. Some consider that cardinal sin numero uno. The conventional wisdom behind the thinking was that if you fail on television, then it becomes increasingly difficult to resume a successful film career. I mean, think about it: Why didn’t her husband, Will, return to television after becoming a huge movie star?

So the question remains; was it the right decision for Pinkett Smith? And if the show fails, will she still receive prominent roles on the big screen? Only time will tell. In the meantime, we’d like to hear from you, as we debate this hot topic. –dewayne rogers

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