Buying Black Should Still Be Our Priority

altThe Empowerment Experiment
(EE) is proving Black products, services and talent is just as valuable
as its general market counterpart. The movement, initiated by African
American married couple John and Maggie Anderson in January, continues
to inspire more Americans to support Black-owned businesses in hopes
of infusing more wealth into the underserved communities. Below are
a few tips provided by Maggie Anderson on “buying Black.”

Start with something big
. Buying black does not mean going to door
to door and buy a product or two every now and then. If you do that,
and you have a bad experience, you are going to stop. Start with that
thing you need to live – the grocer, the bank, daycare, dry cleaner,
fast food restaurant. That’s what we did. We found those places first
and knew that was probably going to be the only one or two of its kind.
So when we found a Black grocery store, we knew we had found our new
grocery store. Start there. And I promise is going to start feeling

2. Mass retailers
– we have to help the manufacturers and distributors; the ones already
in the stores. Make them grow so they can employ more people, move operations
to Black areas, hire more inventors and consolidate more Black companies.
RESEARCH – the mass retailers all have websites. They all have 800
numbers. They all have diversity, and some even, supplier diversity
executives. Make the calls. Find that diversity guy and call or send
an email.

3. Use Black Chambers and
Urban leagues.
They know best quality entrepreneurs. They have wealth
of knowledge. They know what’s going on locally. If there is a black
grocery or gas station, they know about it. They are not getting calls
from you. If they don’t know something, they know how to find out.

4. Use a Black company for
service you use on a regular basis.

Don’t renew the hunt. Once you have a Black dry cleaner or mechanic
or bank, you’re all set. Now you know $1200 is going to a Black business,
just from switching your dry cleaner or cleaning service. 

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