Advertising Agencies Talk About Their Greatest Ad Campaigns

altSome of the most inventive and memorable advertising
campaigns that you see from multinational corporations on television have been
produced by African American ad agencies. So whether they are being flown
halfway across the world or working with some of the world’s most iconic
corporate brands, there are many African American advertising and marketing
agencies who are making their mark felt. Some share what their most memorable
campaigns are:

Phillip Moore, Co-Owner, Culture Lab: We started off with Nokia Latin America. We had an
opportunity to go down to Brazil.
And from there we did research and we had four days to live with the target
audience, and received insight from them. And from there we were able to
execute print ads that were called ‘Be Sexy.’ It turned out great. … It did so well that Nokia wanted to adopt it for
their Canada
market as well.

Kevin Walker, Co-Owner, Culture Lab: “I would say it was the Tampax Being a Girl campaign.
That [was] great. We liked it we used it as a benchmark for the EDS Credit Union.
Because it wasn’t all about Tampax. With this market you cannot hard sell. …They understood the needs … of young women and they
created something that they felt confident that they weren’t just trying to
sell to them. It was just a beautiful campaign.”

altRobert Brown, VP of Business Development, Carol
H. Williams
“Some of my
favorite campaigns were with ‘Black is Beautiful’ with Procter & Gamble. We did
some substantial work with Walt Disney. We changed the game with the entire Disney
company, where we started off all Disney park activities from the home rather
than from the Disney park. We did some great, great work with them.” –terry shropshire

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