Take Off The Brakes

Take Off The BrakesAt times, uncertainty and dark thoughts can cloud
our minds. Shadows of doubt may obscure the very
essence of our natural and permanent beings. We
discover and explore our concerns as we examine and
determine whether or not we have what it takes — the
intestinal fortitude to move us beyond where we are.
As we fasten ourselves in for the journey and attempt
to protect life, limb and intellectual property, we are
on occasion given the tools and resources to forge
advances and quasi-miracles in the quest to surpass
previously set records. One may give pause when the
task seems daunting, but ingenuity and enterprise will
help accomplish our objectives.

After all, exercising the mind requires rigorous
interaction and strategic thinking to effect the kind
of change that will ultimately defi ne our destinies.
In order to elevate our stations in life, we’ll have to
regularly evaluate the direction we move in to attain
higher living.

But who pushed pause and stopped you? The
career, the destination, the dream — all paused. And
in that simple paralyzing action came an onslaught
of self-doubt and personal recriminations. The pause
light came on and it put a halt to all those dreams of
greatness and the practices they hinged on. Positive
associations dwindle, you place your educational
conquest on pause and eventually you may lose sight
of that bright and brilliant future you planned.

 Even when we have cleared the hurdles and we
have attained the academic degree, we may sabotage
ourselves still by foolishly believing we have arrived and
backslide into a false sense of security and arrogance.
Again, we misguidedly push the pause button and relax
our zeal and believe we’ve done enough — no need
to strive for more. The danger in that line of thinking
though, is that we no longer work toward promotions or
honing our skills for bigger and better lifestyles and an
enhanced quality of living.

Ask yourself, ‘Have I placed the brakes on my life?’
Take the brakes off, take this moment to accelerate,
and to innovate and to transform yourself for the
destiny that is due, promised and possible for you.

Take the brakes off right now, and hold on to greatness
with resolve and unrelenting faith. Be innovative and
forward thinking. Take off the brakes and drive ahead
to claim your destiny of greatness today.


Munson Steed, Publisher


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