Chris Brown returns to “106 & Park” for his first live studio-audience appearance on BET since the infamous incident with Rihanna in February of this year. Brown talks to Rocsi in a two-hour special about his new album, Graffiti, and how the domestic abuse charge has changed him.
Here’s an excerpt from the show regarding that infamous night.
“With the situation … it’s not something you could take lightly and not something you could push under the rug. It’s a really serious situation and it’s something that I regret and I wish I didn’t do it.”
The special airs tonight at 6 p.m. EST, 5 p.m. CST. Follow me on twitter @iesha_irene and tweet your opinion about the show on our live widget here on rolling out. Don’t forget to use the topic #ChrisBrown106. –iesha daniels