Former Model Promotes Healthy Body Image for Women

Everetta DaysEveretta Days has worked in the modeling industry for years, but seeing the unrealistic demands and unhealthy obsession with thinness in her profession; she decided to present aspiring models with an alternative route to success.

“Back in 2006, three models died from anexoria,” shares the president of Days Modeling Consulting. “I thought that if people were aware of other model markets that exist, it would encourage [them] to live healthier lifestyles. The average young person wants to look like the actress or model, so if there were more realistic body images of the model or actress, people would [stop] starving themselves.”

Days has spoken on the subject and worked to raise awareness around the globe. Aspiring models have a bevy of options, from sports models, models with disabilities, commercial models, plus size models, mature models, character models.

“I’ve [spoken in] Mumbai, India, Capetown, South Africa, Sydney, Australia, London, Paris, Munich and Buenos Aires,” she says. “The most rewarding part is being able to get interviews from someone living in South Africa interested in modeling in the U.K. it’s very exciting.”

The stories she shares are a revelation to anyone who has ever considered modeling professionally. “It’s very eye-opening how much hand models make. The highest paid hand model in New York makes 10,000 a day, the highest paid in London makes 6,000 a day,” she reveals. “It’s pretty inspiring [to see] how people got into the different modeling markets.” –todd williams

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