Princess Tiana: ‘Princess and the Frog’ merchandise

altPrincess Tiana was the outfit of choice for African American girls for Halloween. And although the The Princess and the Frog film doesn’t open nationwide until Dec. 11.  However, Princess Tiana dolls and products bearing her likeness have been flying off the shelves way in advance of the movie and the holiday season.

“We’re pleasantly surprised because the film hasn’t been released yet,” says Disney executive Shawn Turner. She added that the Princess Tiana’s wedding dress will be in Disney stores ahead of schedule due to the demand for anything Princess Tiana. Princess Tiana cookbook for kids, Princes Tiana Band-Aids, a calendar, apparel, a Nintendo game, and plush toys are available in retail stores and online. The deluxe costume is retailing at $89.50. Much of the demand, industry pundits observe, is coming from mothers.

“This is fascinating because this is really driven by the moms. This is very significant to the moms and it is word of mouth,” says Suzanne Diamond, a marketing lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. “You would normally time it for the merchandise to hit at the same time as the movie, maybe slightly before so you can capitalize on all the excitement and extend the brand.”

Apparently, moms and daughters cannot wait for the December release. Disney Consumer Products reps said they’ve received a steady drizzle of calls from prospective customers frantically searching for Princess Tiana costumes, dolls and other items.  Advance build up should therefore translate at the box office. –terry shropshire

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