Does the Fairer Sex Hold the Key to Fidelity?

Does the Fairer Sex Hold the Key to Fidelity?

Pose the question “Do Women Force Men Into the Arms of Other Women?” and the universal response from women is a resounding “Hell  no!” But that may be a knee-jerk response to the implication that sisters — of any race — are driving their poor, misunderstood husbands and unappreciated lovers from their homes, the sanctity of marriage, and the concept of monogamy all together. These bitter, nagging, self-absorbed shrews make home life so miserable for their partners that the only recourse a man has, is to seek comfort in another woman’s bed. 

How does she emasculate him? Let us count the ways. 

10. In a woman’s never-ending pursuit to make him a “better man,” pointing out his inadequacies and making him feel small is not quite the impetus he needs to make that extra effort for her.

9. In the event he doesn’t  take what she says to heart and treat her directives to “clean up behind himself” or “put the lid down” as if they were gospel, talking about his shortcomings to family and friends is not one of her more endearing qualities.

8. Again, when he doesn’t adhere to her demands, pouting and being generally non-responsive are not a good look either. 

7. Embarassing him by undermining him publicly and talking to him in a condescending tone as if he is a child incapable of understanding complex ideas.

6. Harping on his immaturity. 

5. Following a disagreement or a difference of opinion, a woman may want to show a man how inconsequential he is  and how little she needs him, by going out with the girls for good time, supposedly leaving him at home licking his wounds 

4. Getting friendly — flirty even — with his friends to prove to him that if he won’t play her game another man will.

3. Belittling him in front of those same friends. 

2. After an argument, withholding affection or sex is damn near a guarantee that he will go somewhere else to get what he should be getting — but can’t get at home.

1. And if total castration is what she’s going for, although this will probably mean an abrupt and permanent end to the relationship all together — telling him the sex was never that good anyway.

A man’s  ego may be fragile but it’s no small matter. Women would do well to remember that.  

–roz edward

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