Cash Money’s newest sensation, Drake, inspired hundreds of young women to flood Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall in South Central Los Angeles. This motivation was fused by packing gifts, secret fantasies and his desireto enhance someone’s holiday season.
The Canadian-born actor-turned-Young Money acquisition and the engine behind “The Best I Ever Had” and “Every Girl” asked Southern Californians to bring unopened gifts to Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Mall in South Central Los Angeles to help impoverished youth enjoy Christmas. The overwhelmin
gly female throng happily obliged in exchange for an autograph from the man who inspired one of the biggest bidding wars in modern music, according to Billboard magazine. His upward trajectory in star power was evidenced by the appearance of Entertainment Tonight, E!, the L.A. Times and other outlets.
“I’m always glad to be a part of something that brings smiles to faces of the kids – or anybody really.
You know, it’s great. I love LA. I really don’t do many events out here. This is really the first charitable event I’ve done in Cali,” Drake said. “It’s Christmas time and the kids really need the toys. They need the smiles. It’s important when you’re younger. I mean, if my face is what can bring people out to bring some toys, then so be it. I’ll be there every time I can.”
Those who took part in the Winter Wonderland Celebration Toy Drive also were given an opportunity to win a private meeting and photograph with the recently enriched rapper. The donated toys will be received by underprivileged children in L.A. County. This delighted Ben Richardson, Baldwin Hills mall manager. “We are very appreciative of Drake’s support of the toy drive and efforts to extend the
Christmas spirit to children who may not otherwise receive gifts this season,” he told reporters. –terry shropshire