Who shall guard the well being of those who have tunneled a path to the core of their inner beings and find that upon arrival they are lost? The answer is obvious to those who regard the gift of living well as a privilege never to be taken for granted — we ourselves are solely responsible. As individuals our own efficiencies and deficiencies govern the outcome of how we spend our time on this earth. The notion that an external third party lifeguard will save our drowning spirituality speaks to the inability to understand that the concept of free choice means responsibility and accountability for every choice.
One’s medical history, physical pre-dispositions, genealogy and practically pre-determined life course can be analyzed in a single drop of blood. But still we ask, who and what determines the path we travel into veiled and undisclosed future. We naively, no blindly ask who will protect the essence of our lives and take a firm grip to lead us to security futures in terms of our careers of our careers, fortunes and families. Unfortunately, we make these inquiries absent the mirror of self-fulfilling prophecy and the counsel of experts who having walked similar paths will offer honest assessment of our capacity to overcome individual inadequacies.
Fixing our economic wagons to salacious ideas of fast financial returns that exceed the norm of that which can be realized on the steady, albeit conservative ROI of a certificate of deposit would mean flying, like a moth too near the heat of a horizon already in flames. Is it prudent to make a loan to a person or entity with no means of recovery or fiscal solvency? Does it make sense to borrow when you have lack the income to repay? If you do, be aware that you are putting another’s future at stake. It is rarely if ever worth the risking the destruction of a friendship or the damage to familial relationships.
The same is true of the deep and invaluable investments we make in our personal relationships with ourselves and those around us. Those around us count on you to make a value judgement regarding how you want to be perceived and the esteem you hold them in. That is worth more than a few few pieces of silver for the fleeting fashion or flavor of the day.
Who should guard your life’s record, your image and your reputation in a world that defers to Twitter, Facebook and MySpace social networks when you act with abandon and loosely parade indiscretion in the face of those who believed you. Consider the damage done, when we casually and callously dishonor ourselves and consequentially degrade our children — for self agrandisement and hedonistic pursuit.
In life’s big picture, in the grand scheme risqué behavior severely limits our capacity to realize the dream of living a full and fruitful life. In the meantime immerse yourself in the healing and therapeutic waters of self-improvement to propel your living beyond the plateau of your talents.
Be the vanguard of your life and safeguard all that you care about from venturing into un-chartered waters alone.
Make your mark and take-up your positions.