Are You in the Way of ‘Mr. Right’?

black coupleThe phrase “it takes two” has certainly been around for many, many years. Lyrically who could ever forget the 1966 hit single “It Takes Two” by Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston? A phrase that simply says whether it’s love, accomplishing life’s goals, planning for the future or doing something as mundane as eating dinner, it’s better with two as opposed to one.

The number 2 has biblical significance dating as far back as Adam and Eve. Even when it came to stocking Noah’s Ark, pairing up the animals by two. There was a reason God told Noah to bring two of every animal. Some argue and say the obvious was to allow reproduction, while others feel that God never meant for any living creature to be alone whether they reproduce or not. 

Why then, is it so hard for men and women to come together? ABC’s “Nightline” recently did a segment on this very question and reported “there are currently 1.8 million more black women in the U.S. than black men.” With numbers like that, the odds seem slim that a black woman will find her black male counterpart, but not hopeless. Below are just a few tips black women can do to increase their chances of nabbing a man. 

1. Examine your “standards,” this is not to say lower them, but does he really have to be 6-foot-5 if you’re only 5-foot-2? If you are 30 or older without kids and are looking for a man that’s at least your age, you may want to be open to the idea that he may have kids. 

2. Ladies, it’s great if you’ve been blessed to find that dream job that pays you big bucks, but is it absolutely mandatory for a man to make more than you? With the work force becoming more female dominated, more men are tapping into their entrepreneurial skills and that may mean his income could be much lower than yours. Be willing to look beyond his temporary situation to see a more prosperous future one that — could include you. 

Bottom line, regardless of what statistics say and your girlfriends’ reports about over crowded jails filled with black males, there is a “Mr. Right” out there for you and he may even build you that house with the white picket fence. Question is, are you willing to be that woman who will roll up her sleeves and pick up the paint brush if he needs you to? –condia 

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