Ebony Jones, a former eighth grade math teacher, was the winner of season two of the VH1 hit reality show, “I Want to Work for Diddy 2.” However, since the show’s final taping on Aug. 8, 2009, the only feedback Jones has had from Bad Boy Productions is “don’t call us, we’ll contact you.” Jones spoke with rolling out about her experience on the show, and why she was terminated from the school where she taught.–condia perry
How has the city of Dallas responded to your win?
Surprisingly supportive, [considering] I’ve only been in Dallas for two years. We had a special viewing of the final episode here in Dallas, and people came out of the woodwork on a school night and showed support. It was amazing.
That must have been bittersweet, considering how things have played out with Bad Boy? Absolutely. But I’m optimistic and positive. I knew that if I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life as a school teacher I had to step out. If I had it to do again, I absolutely would.
Is it true that the school system released you because of some of the language you used on the show? That is correct. The way I view it, profanity is a choice you [make] as an adult … there were never kids around. As an adult, I have the freedom to do whatever I want as long as it’s legal. I’m going to be really honest and say I feel the real reason was less the profanity and more so the climate and the [urban] environment of the show. I have a lot of tattoos that no one had seen before. I think overall [the school administration] was shocked, period.
With all that has happened, how do you stay focused and positive?
I start every day and end every day with prayer. We all know things won’t always go the way we planned. Life is filled with monkey wrenches, but I feel I deserve good things.