The Debt Diva’s Top 10 Tips for Saving Money in 2010

Debt DivaThe great thing about the New Year is it offers the opportunity for a fresh start. Gaining control of your finances is hard work, but it isn’t impossible. The rewards of budgeting are far greater than the constant worries of being in debt, and once your mind is trained to spend less and save more, life will be sweeter.

With the recent economic downturn, saving money has become the No. 1 priority for many families. Here are a few ways to save money, and still enjoy life. –christian johnson

1. Call Creditors and Ask About Options to Reduce Payments. In the interest of resolving outstanding debt issues, many companies are willing to negotiate more flexible terms and offer other financial assistance. Take advantage of it.

2. Purchase Items On the Internet.
Many sites offer discounted and reduced prices for items such as school books, furniture, cars, etc.

3. Become a Coupon Clipper to Reduce Your Grocery Bill. Make a grocery list complete with a budget for spending. Purchase store and generic brands to save even more.  

4. Dress for Less. Shop at thrift stores or consignment stores, and watch for department store sales, especially in the off season.

5. Work From Home.
If it’s an option and you can persuade your boss, working from home will save money on gas, childcare and eating out.

6. Repurpose Old Items. Instead of purchasing new items, try coming up with fun, functional and exciting ways to use things that you already have.

7. Cancel Cable. With the Internet becoming more and more popular, many networks post television shows online. Instead of paying a hefty cable bill each month, it is more economical to watch shows online.

8. Minimize Cell Phone Bill.
Remove nonessential features such as text messaging, multimedia packages and Internet packages. Some people may elect for pay-as-you-go phones or terminate existing contracts.

9. Stop Using Checks to Pay Bills. Most banks offer online Bill Pay to their customers, which eliminates the need to buy checks.

10. Treat Yourself to a Night Out Less Frequently. Instead of going out weekly, it may be more economical to limit those nights out to twice a month.

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