There are moments when we reveal exactly who we are at our core when we encounter and are confronted with the diminishing value of trust. It is in the expression of ideas in the very remote regions of our character that we unknowingly appraise and assess our responses to that personal dilemma and determine their significance in our feelings, our emotions, and our overall futures.
Speak truth and understanding and expression. The commitment of love is housed in trust. But trust is not the reason to destroy love. Moreover, it is the test of often and how deep love grows to create a foundation so that the truth and the meaning of love can be found, reignited and reconstructed. The question of trust is not a license or an excuse to run from a loving situation nor should it be a mitigating reason to stay in a deceptive one.
Yes, the trust factor envelops a quandary of emotions, but it is certainly not the single defining factor that denotes monogamy in a relationship between two people that are pointing their lives in the direction of a partnership. Where is trust in the midst of a lover’s argument? Where is it when the challenges to commitment in a rapidly and uniquely evolving society dictate that our perceptions on the sanctity of love and relationships change to a comparable degree?
Love is often assaulted by external forces that would interpret it’s meaning and intention for the person in love, and frequently provides the weapons of emotional destruction to denigrate that which once bore the fruit of passion and the flowers of devotion. Those once perfect and beautiful memories are assassinated by those who choose to introduce doubts to perpetuate the demise of real trust.
But even to those who choose to abdicate and abandon the love that they once felt and choose instead the cynicism of callous disregard, that unfortunate learned behavior is often called into question because it will be the reason that any new and subsequent relationship is fostered in doubt and the malaise of suspicion and insecurity.
Affection and love have their cycles. The inferno of love burns deep. And the exhilaration lovers feel in every dazzling and dizzying moment eventually dangles on the edge of untested relationship fronts that become the barometer of love, replacing trust and sanctity, to permit newly adapted or desired behavior that dulls and erases the memories of beautiful moments of life and love in the past.
How does one foster, or resurrect, or rekindle love and trust for a loved one? It is often the question, but it also a matter of how fashionable love and change are in a growing society of temporary and extended relationships. We are required to trust that even the change we experience in the absence and silence of a lost love is one of life’s lessons to be embraced and understood. It is here that we must grow and trust that the coming or going of another in our lives is actually a good thing, and that being alone for a moment in time is to know and to trust differently, and to allow you to love yourself anew. It is here that there is no tragedy in the absence of love, but there must be a degree of trust to continue on to offer others the value of our relationships (and what we’ve learned about them), and try not to vainly abandon love because we were once scorned.
You must not doubt that love exists for you and others. You will undoubtedly find that the basic principle of love makes it worth extending oneself and will afford you the opportunity to share your growth. How can you trust love again? By understanding that it is in growth that you see and love yourself for knowing that whatever you took from that moment when you were in love and trusting the value of the expression. No matter how trying or confusing, enhance the value of knowing the new you in a more loving way. Know that you are growing stronger because you do not doubt love and you begin to trust in an even deeper source and second sense inside yourself — the one that advises you can be better than you were the next time you love and live again.
Munson Steed, Publisher