The starting lineup for the next installment, of VH1’s “Celebrity Fit Club” should make for an action-filled season. Among others, Bobby Brown, Shar Jackson (Moesha) and K-Fed (Brittany’s ex-hubby) will all be part of the cast. With Bobby Brown, alone, drama is sure to ensue, but when you throw ex-lovers (and “baby parents”) Shar Jackson and K-Fed in the bag, it’s certain to go down. Tanisha Thomas, from “Bad Girls Club,” season two, gets an honorable mention for the antics she’s known for contributing.
Both Bobby and Fed had been seen over the past couple years in their states of pudgy bliss, but Shar makes you go “hmmmm,” since it was highly publicized that she had major figure changing surgery a few years back. To undo all that, she must have one hell of an appetite; it could be an uphill battle for the show’s short-tempered trainer, Harvey Walden.
Here’s the complete list of losers:
Kevin Federline
Shar Jackson
Bobby Brown
Sebastian Bach (former lead singer of Skid Row)
Jay McCarroll (winner of “Project Runway,” season one)
KayCee Stroh (“High School Musical”)
Nicole Eggert (“Baywatch”)
Tanisha Thomas (“Bad Girls Club,” season two)
The start of season eight is set to air on Feb. 8. –gerald radford