Pamela McElvane, Publisher, ‘Diversity MBA Magazine’

pamela mcelvane

Diversity is a buzzword in many corporate boardrooms. Companies that want to win in the global marketplace know the value of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Founded in 1996, P&L Group Ltd., which publishes Diversity MBA Magazine and hosts an annual awards gala and leadership forum, is on the forefront addressing diverse executive leadership roles today. Diversity MBA Magazine‘s publisher and CEO, Pamela McElvane, spoke to rolling out about the importance of the publication and the diversity concept. tony binns

Tell us about the evolution of Diversity MBA Magazine.

    I’ve been in publishing for 14 years focusing on the African American market. Three years ago we relaunched real time [and] went into the marketplace because we felt we needed to be broader.

    Diversity MBA Magazine is published in 30 countries, including the United States, when you relaunched, how did you develop your business strategy?

    We dedicated the time to planning first in our effort to ensure our business strategy was measurable and marketable. We built on our core competencies to develop new and more innovative products that provide the customers what they want and not what they think they need. So, yes, we asked our clients what they wanted and did not want from a diversity publishing organization designed to help recognize their brand for diversity leadership.

    Do most companies get the concept of diversity?

    Our research tells us that most Fortune 500 companies understand the value of diversity and how it impacts their people and bottom line. I believe the good news is that many of the major companies do get it, but we have a long way to go.

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